Author Archives: Linda Andersson

The story of Ankarsrum (part 2)- what happened then….

In 1752, the young Peter Christopher Bauman, later Cederbaum became lord of the Ankarsrum-Helgerums domain. He managed a lot during his lifetime. Here´s a selection. Built Herrgården in Ankarsrum in 1780, which is currently inhabited and a nice element in Ankarsrum´s buildings. A rolling and cutting plant, which became the beginning of manufacturing, not just […]

A sustainable success story

Mats Nilsson from the small provincial community of Åtvidaberg in Sweden has an old portable sawmill at his farm. Last fall, one of the feeder motors broke down and stopped working. He contacted the supplier of the sawmill, but they did not have a replacement motor available. They offered a replacement of the entire feeder, […]

Historik kring “Bruket” del 1

Lite historia kring ”Bruket”. Ankarsrum, ett av landets äldsta företag med järnet som grund. Företaget har funnits sedan 1655 under olika namn. Längsta tiden som Ankarsrums Bruk, så vi kan kalla det ”Bruket”. Det vilar på järnet, skogen och vattenkraften. Mänskligheten har använt järn sedan järnålderns början omkring 500 före Kristus. I Bibeln står det […]


We have insourced the production of bearing brackets for our AC motors, from a supplier in Germany to Ankarsrum in Sweden. We have appointed new local suppliers in order to reduce the need for transport and hence we will reduce CO2 emissions. The project is in line with our long term objective to become the […]