Det är naturligtvis extra hedrande för en värmlänning att bli styrelseordförande i ett industribolag i en bruksmiljö med anor sedan 1655. Vi värmlänningar gillar ju verkligen brukstraditioner. Det är också spännande att komma in i svensk verkstadsindustri. Jag tror få en fortsatt renässans för svensk produktion, som en konsekvens av pandemi samt alltför långa och […]
Category Archives: News
Nu har Ankarsrum Electric Motors varit verksamt i 1 år, dags att ta vår CEO Carl Sigfridsson på pulsen. 1 Om du ser tillbaka ett år, hur trodde du året skulle bli jämfört med hur det blev? Svar: Det snabba svaret är att det blev dubbelt så bra mot vad vi trodde för ett år […]
AEM is growing and it is a pleasure for us to welcome our new team member Miss Magneta. Miss Magneta is a collaborative robot and can work side by side with the rest of the team. This is her first task followed by many others. Welcome a board our winning team Miss Magneta!
Ankarsrum Electric Motors grew sales with 11.5 % last year and the number of staff members attending our weekly lunch meeting is increasing. Many thanks to all of our 29 team members for a great job. You are the best! We are constantly looking for new talents to join our team. Check out the new […]
Ankarsrum Electric Motors is developing and producing universal motors mainly for use in kitchen appliances and structural applications. The Ankarsrum KS42 universal motor is a powerful, robust and high-quality universal motor situated in well-known market leading kitchen machines. The Ankarsrum KS42 motors have a unique sound, unmatched brush durability and can be customised for use […]
Ankarsrum Electric Motors are about to finalise a challenging but a most successful 2020 and we want to express our gratitude to our customers, suppliers and partners with a wish for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…. Please follow us on LinkedIn for more information.
Ankarsrum Electric Motors commenced production of electric motors and drives in the middle of the seventies when the company was part of the Electrolux Group. The product range comprises universal AC motors which are commonplace drives in kitchen appliances, outdoor equipment and powertools as well as DC motors for use in health care and general […]
Ankarsrum Electric Motors AB is a middle sized producer of electric motors and drives with DNA from the previous owner Electrolux and the old works in Ankarsrum, founded in 1655. The company has a great history with a wide range of different products having been manufactured at the plant in Ankarsrum, but for the past […]
We are happy to announce that we are ready to pass on centuries of knowledge and experience into the future. We will continue to serve and create value for our customers through Ankarsrum Electric Motors AB.
At Ankarsrum Motors we produce electrical motors within Kitchen appliances, Welding industry and Health care. Every motor is tested individually before leaving the factory so that you can feel confident in its quality.