At the beginning of the 19th century, a period of rapid development of ”Bruket” began. Anders Baltzar de Maré built dams and blast furnace building in 1828 at what came to be known as ”Nedre Bruket”, where the factory still stands today. One of the largest foundries in the county was completed in 1840. In […]
Category Archives: News
In our quest to improve the environment, Ankarsrum Electric Motors has now created a state-of-the-art waste station. We sort and recycle and get data on everything so that we can see exactly how much we improve year after year. Here are some words from Per Blom who is responsible for logistics who has done a […]
In 1752, the young Peter Christopher Bauman, later Cederbaum became lord of the Ankarsrum-Helgerums domain. He managed a lot during his lifetime. Here´s a selection. Built Herrgården in Ankarsrum in 1780, which is currently inhabited and a nice element in Ankarsrum´s buildings. A rolling and cutting plant, which became the beginning of manufacturing, not just […]
Mats Nilsson from the small provincial community of Åtvidaberg in Sweden has an old portable sawmill at his farm. Last fall, one of the feeder motors broke down and stopped working. He contacted the supplier of the sawmill, but they did not have a replacement motor available. They offered a replacement of the entire feeder, […]
Läs hela intervjun med vår CEO Carl Sigfridsson här
Du är en av de som arbetat längst här på företaget. Hur länge har du arbetat på bruket, och med vilka arbetsuppgifter? Svar: Började 20 aug 1979, 43 år. Produktionen var där jag började. 1990 fick jag börja på Q-avdelningen, och från 1992 blev jag plockad för arbete på lab. Nu hjälper jag till på […]
Lite historia kring ”Bruket”. Ankarsrum, ett av landets äldsta företag med järnet som grund. Företaget har funnits sedan 1655 under olika namn. Längsta tiden som Ankarsrums Bruk, så vi kan kalla det ”Bruket”. Det vilar på järnet, skogen och vattenkraften. Mänskligheten har använt järn sedan järnålderns början omkring 500 före Kristus. I Bibeln står det […]
Our company has existed since 1655 under various names. The longest time as Ankarsrums Works, so in Swedish we call it “Bruket”. The location rests on iron, forest and hydropower. Around Ankarsrum there are big findings of ferrous sand (magnetic) which can be used to produce iron. In those days Sweden wanted to be a […]
We have insourced the production of bearing brackets for our AC motors, from a supplier in Germany to Ankarsrum in Sweden. We have appointed new local suppliers in order to reduce the need for transport and hence we will reduce CO2 emissions. The project is in line with our long term objective to become the […]
We are most pleased to announce that the Italian company Helvi has decided to use Ankarsrum branded PM 4228 DC motors in their new 3-phase arc welding power source range. Helvi will use our most recent development PM 4228 motor with and without encoder. Helvi is a well know producer of high-end arc welding and […]