You have recently started working here at AEM and belong to the technology group. What is your background, what did you do before you started here? In high school I studied Operation and Maintenance, and after school I worked as a welder and workshop machanic. At my last jobb I was an assembly builder and […]
Today we are celebraiting the retirement of our appreciated colleague Marie Filipsson Maja has worked here at ”bruket” for many years, and has fantastic knowledge and experience. All of us at AEM wish her a well-deserved retirement.
Jesper jobbar med avsyning av rotorer i vår nya multirotorlina. Multirotorlinan är en modern helautomatiserad produktionslina för tillverkning av rotorer till elmotorer. Den är ställbar, kan hantera alla våra rotortyper och kan producera 1400 rotorer per skift. Projektet finansierades bland annat med stöd från europeiska jordbruksfonden. Europeiska jordbruksfonden för landsbygdsutveckling: Europa investerar i landsbygdsområden […]
Yesterday AEM met with OTC Daihen Varstroj in Slovenia, manufacturer of high-end arc welding power sources and robot systems for arc welding and structural applications. OTC Daihen Varstroj is launching the new power source generation Arxis Pulse, having been developed in Slovenia and in close collaboration with Ankarsrum Electric Motors and Swissfeed, supplier of the […]
Last Friday we had our annual crayfish party for all the staff at Ankarsrum. As usual it was a successful evening with lots of fun. There were good food and drinks, quiz, games, dancing and more. Extra thanks to the staff who prepared and caught the crayfish from the nearby stream.
We are pleased to announce the addition of the Prusa HT90 3D printer to our equipment lineup. This advanced machine enhances our ability to deliver high-quality manufacturing solutions. Key Benefits of the Prusa HT90: Superior Repeatability: The Prusa HT90 has demonstrated exceptional repeatability, which is crucial for small series production. High-Performance Materials: The ability to […]
Ankarsrum Electric Motors AB är en ledande tillverkare av mindre elektriska motorer och drivsystem. Vi har kunder över hela världen, främst tillverkare av produkter inom industri, köksutrustning och medicinteknik. Ankarsrum Electric Motors är ett komplett företag med egen produktion och utveckling och mer än 350 års erfarenhet och kunskap. Under alla år har vi byggt […]
Ankarsrum Electric Motors attended “Tillväxtdagen Västervik” on 4th of June. The purpose of the day was to connect with people from different companies, the city and county to focus on growth for the Västervik region. There were a lot of great speakers and a really good day in general.
A few months ago, Ankarsrum Electric Motors received a request from a Swedish manufacturer of wood pellet heating systems. The company inquired for a small electric motor solution for driving a fume extraction fan. Based on the customer specification, the AEM R&D team developed a shaded pole motor referred to as SP 3016. A shaded […]
About a year ago we inaugurated our new automated armature production line. To make space for even more investment in machinery, we have now completed the removal of two old, decommissioned, armature lines. We have freed about 400 square meters which will be filled with new equipment during our three year multi-million investment plan. This […]