Lite historia kring ”Bruket”. Ankarsrum, ett av landets äldsta företag med järnet som grund. Företaget har funnits sedan 1655 under olika namn. Längsta tiden som Ankarsrums Bruk, så vi kan kalla det ”Bruket”. Det vilar på järnet, skogen och vattenkraften. Mänskligheten har använt järn sedan järnålderns början omkring 500 före Kristus. I Bibeln står det […]
Our company has existed since 1655 under various names. The longest time as Ankarsrums Works, so in Swedish we call it “Bruket”. The location rests on iron, forest and hydropower. Around Ankarsrum there are big findings of ferrous sand (magnetic) which can be used to produce iron. In those days Sweden wanted to be a […]
We have insourced the production of bearing brackets for our AC motors, from a supplier in Germany to Ankarsrum in Sweden. We have appointed new local suppliers in order to reduce the need for transport and hence we will reduce CO2 emissions. The project is in line with our long term objective to become the […]
We are most pleased to announce that the Italian company Helvi has decided to use Ankarsrum branded PM 4228 DC motors in their new 3-phase arc welding power source range. Helvi will use our most recent development PM 4228 motor with and without encoder. Helvi is a well know producer of high-end arc welding and […]
Every year we want to start the new year in a more sustainable way we did the last year! This year we introduce our new spare parts policy. We no longer want to be part of selling products and seeing how they are scrapped at the end of lifetime. Towards a sustainable and circular economy, we […]
We at AEM wish everyone a really wonderful Christmas and New Year. Take care of each other.
Interview Simon Danielsson, Västervik You formally take over as factory manager at the turn of the year, how do you feel about your new role? It will be both fun and exciting. I look forward to helping develop both employees and the organization. The company is doing very well and is in an expansive stage, […]
IUC in Kalmar has done a report about our company. Available in the GOOD WORK 2021 magazine. Follow the link to read it.
Gabriel Uggla, Stockholm What problems did you have that led you to look for us at AEM, and how did you find us? Answer: An important gear for my garage door had broken into small pieces. The garage door was of an old folding model that is no longer manufactured. A modern gate could not […]
Nygamla företaget växer och gör mångmiljoninvestering Från 15 till 37 anställda på ett drygt år – och stora investeringar i pipeline. Sedan elmotortillverkaren i Ankarsrum bytte bolag och ägare har utvecklingen gått spikrakt uppåt. I april förra året såg det dystert ut för det anrika Ankarsrumsföretaget. Det bolag som hette Ankarsrums Motors gick i konkurs. […]