We have the last week done a Factory Acceptance Test for our new automatic cable assembly machine with vision control. It has all turned out well and we are looking forward to the production in Ankarsrum soon.
Category Archives: News
Yesterday we thanked Susanne Lyberg for long and faithful employment. She started at Ankarsrums Bruk “the foundry” in 1976 and has thus worked for 47 years. CEO Carl Sigfridsson gave a speech of thanks and the supervisor Per Blom continued with some personal anecdotes from the working years with Susanne. After the giving of flowers […]
Meet Alex, one of our development engineers. Smart Start ger ökade möjligheter för trainees hos företag
Lucia from Ankarsrum school visits Ankarsrum Electric Motors. According to tradition, we are visited by Lucia accompanied by Lucia maids, “star boys” and Santa’s elves. They illuminate the darkest day of the year, which in the Julian calendar fell on December 13. When we switched to the Gregorian calendar in the 18th century, the date […]
Ansys Motor-Cad is a powerful tool for developing and optimizing electronic motors. We use it today for the development of our new series of inner- and outer runner BLDC-motors (brushless dc-motors). The biggest advantage of the Ansys Motor-Cad is that we shorten the lead time of new development. Instead of making many iterations and testing […]
ISO ISO certification – We manufacture motors and drive systems that meet our customers needs in a sustainable and safe way. Ankarsrum Electric Motors proudly announce that from now is, beside ISO 9001, also certified according to ISO 14001 and 45001. These certificates really stress what we focus on: ISO9001 – Quality: Ensure […]
Elmia Subcontractor – final call! Ankarsrum Electric Motors is exhibiting at Elmia subcontractor 14-16 November and today Thursday is by that the last day. Our own experts together with Simplex motion are ready for any discussion about motors and drives. Don´t miss the opportunity to see how we wind the stators to our new series […]
After a warm September, it feels like we´ve gone straight into a colder period. This applies not only to the Swedish outdoor temperature, but also to our global environment. Now we have not only a war in Ukraine, but also a war between Israel and Hamas. Extremely tragic for these people and makes the world […]
Ankarsrum Electric Motors has a vision to become the industry’s most sustainable manufacturer of electric drive systems. As part of that work, minimizing waste and taking care of the waste best way possible, is included. In our work with ISO-14001 Environmental Management System and continuous improvements, we have now upgraded our recycling station. All hazardous […]
Ankarsrum Electric Motors will exhibit at Elmia Subcontractor this year. Elmia Subcontractor is the heart of the industry, providing it with oxygen, energy and momentum for three effective days. Our own experts are of course on hand to discuss tomorrow’s electric motor solutions. Among other things, we will present a new series of Swedish-made brushless […]